Pada jaman sekarang ini, dimana teknologi sudah berkembang, sudah tidak relevan lagi menggunakan septiktank konvensional, karena dapat mencemari lingkungan, membuat polusi tanah dan air yang dapat mengganggu kesetimbangan alam. Banyu Biru Bioreaktor Anaerob (BSA) hadir untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Banyu Biru Bioreaktor Anaerob (BSA) merupakan septik tank dengan menggunakan biofilter anaerob yang memiliki beberapa keunggulan dibandingkan dengan septik tank konvensional maupun yang sejenisnya. Beberapa keunggulan BSA / Septiktank biotech adalah:
  • BSA is designed according to your needs, available in various capacities
  • BSA is specifically designed so that management is very easy and operational costs are very low
  • BSA is made of fiberglass, is resistant to corrosion, or decomposes, can last up to 50 years and does not require additional coatings as other tanks
  • BSA is equipped with biological reactors to eat dissolved and colloidal organic matter, where bacteria (anaerobic microorganisms) live and decompose waste
  • BSA is equipped with a disinfectant system, to kill pathogenic microorganisms in the waste so that processed products are safely disposed of into sewers
  • BSA does not cause odor
  • BSA is sent to your address, very practical and ready to install
  • BSA has a 5-year guarantee
  • Processed water can be used to water plants and fish ponds
Banyu Biru Anaerobic Bioreactor - Aerob (BS2A) In selecting WWTPs for hospitals, hotels, malls, apartments, etc. activities should pay attention to the following matters:
  • the quality of the processed effluent meets the quality standards and is stable
  • Easy, cheap, simple operation
  • Effective and efficient
  • Minimal land requirement
  • Desain proses ramah lingkungan, bebas dari bau, kotor, bising
  • Service while operating and spare parts are easy to obtain
Banyu Biru Bioreaktor Anaerob – Aerob (BS2A) merupakan sebuah reaktor IPAL / STP yang sangat tepat untuk pengolahan air limbah rumah sakit, hotel, mall, apartemen, dll yang memenuhi kriteria di atas. IPAL (Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah) atau STP (Sewage Treatment Plant) adalah proses pengolahan limbah pada suatu bangunan atau instalasi. Adapun uraian dari STP atau IPAL dalam Banyu Biru Bioreaktor Anaerob – Aerob adalah sebagai berikut:
  1. Pretreatment
In this section there is a control tub called the grit chamber. waste water from the toilet (black water), bathroom, sink (gray water) and the like will enter this tub. The function of this tank is as an initial process to filter large impurities / debris which has the potential to disrupt the treatment process. The grit chamber is equipped with a screen made of fiberglass. For wastewater that comes from the kitchen before entering the grit chamber must pass through a grease trap that functions as a fat separator.
  1. STP system or WWTP system
In this section divided into 5 processes, namely:
  1. Anoxic Chamber
In this section there will be contact between water from the grit chamber with activated sludge returning from the sedimentation chamber so that in the anoxic chamber there will be an an- oxic (micro oxygen) decomposition process of waste.
  1. Anaerob Chamber
Waste water from the anoxic chamber flows into the anaerobic chamber over flow. This chamber is equipped with biofilter media which functions as a breeding ground for microorganisms, so that the presence of biofilter media will expand the contact area between bacteria and wastewater. The process that occurs in the anaerobic chamber is the decomposition of waste anaerobically or without oxygen by living microorganisms attached to the biofilter so as to reduce BOD, COD, and suspended particles. In this tub can also anticipate if there is a fluctuation in discharge.
  1. Aerob Chamber
In this chamber the process of decomposition of waste by bacteria is aerobic. Chamber II is equipped with an oxygen supply with a blower and diffuser and biofilter media to expand the contact area between bacteria and wastewater. The process of decomposition of waste by bacteria will occur in stages on the surface of the media. During the aeration process in this chamber microorganisms will grow on the surface of the media to form a biomass that is getting thicker and thicker. The deepest part of the biomass layer will eventually lack oxygen supply and will be separated from the surface of the media. The process of removing a portion of the biomass pile from the surface of the media is called the "Sloughing Process".
  1. Sedimentation Chamber
The sludge released from the "Sloughing Process" in the aerob chamber will flow along with water into the sedimentation chamber. The process that occurs in the sedimentation chamber is the process of settling mud so that it is separated from clean water. Clean water will flow through the chlorine chamber before going to the effluent tank to be discharged into the receiving water body. Whereas the sludge that settles at the bottom of the chamber will be pumped back to the anoxic chamber as RAS (return activated sludge)
  1. Chlorination Chamber
This chlorine chamber functions as a contact between the treated clean water and disinfectant, to kill pathogenic bacteria that may be present in the treated water before being discharged to the receiving water body.
  1. Effluent tank
Air yang telah tercampur dengan desinfektan ditampung di dalam bak ini untuk selanjutnya dibuang ke badan air penerima. air yang dibuang telah memenuhi baku mutu yang dipersyaratkan oleh pemerintah. Beberapa keuntungan dari Banyu Biru Bioreaktor antara lain:
  1. CHEAP
  2. Does not require a settling tub (clarifier) so as to save land use
  3. High concentration of MLSS (mixed liquor suspended solids) can maximize the amount of BOD that enters the MBR module to be processed so as to reduce processing time
  4. Sludge removal can be done directly from inside the reactor
  5. High quality effluent from treatment so that the processed water can be reused.
  6. High processing efficiency
  7. Management is very easy
  8. Dapat digunakan untuk beban BOD yang tinggi.